Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Christmas for me really is just a time to relax and watch my little brothers go nuts over what they got for Christmas. In many ways I feel that being excited about getting gifts for Christmas is for children.
I feel that Christmas Changed for me at 17. At that age I realized it wasn’t about me anymore, it suddenly became more about my little brothers. For instance, instead of being asked what I want for Christmas I am now told what my little brothers want and how my dad might get everything they ask for. I would rather see a smile on my little brother’s faces then receive gifts. This is a part of growing up and besides its better to give than to receive. Over the next week i will be with my little brother watching them play with their wonderful gifts that their going to receive . The one wish i have is to come back to school and completely earn my internship. The only event I can really think of is,the youngest child in the family puts the star on top of the tree.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Internship Readiness

I feel that someone that is internship ready is, 1. A strong communicator and has confidence in their speech.  2. Someone who has the skill necessary and ready to use at internship. 3. Someone who is professional in the workplace. 4. In any and every situation in the workplace knows how to stay professional. 5. To be on time, last but not least and not to blame anyone else for their mistakes to be accountable.6. To be driven and motivated to get to where they want to be. My plan is to really convert on my feedback of procrastination and following through with completing and turning in all homework. The changes I will be making are every one that doesn’t know how driven I am to get to my goal in life will know and find out how driven I am.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Best & Worst Job

The best job I feel I had was when I was working at a nursing home in Hayward. The best points of the job were that most of the day all I really did was walk around and watch the elderly people play shuffle board and the Nintendo WII for hours at a time. This experience was great for me because I love to see elderly people try to stay active. From this experience working with the elderly I have even more respect for them than I did before because many of them were always giving me words of wisdom and advice on life in so many ways and aspects. However, the worst part of my job was that I had to clean bed pans and change bed sheets. This experience grossed me out in so many ways. The things I would see in people’s beds were just sickening. In a sense I have developed a tough skin for certain things, but I feel I should have spent a longer time with this organization because it was a learning experience in being patient and tolerant of people in this setting. If I had the opportunity to work there again I would ask if they had an opening in a computer field like networking or technical assistance, because I loved the experience I was gaining from the people there and I remember this elderly lady told me, "You live and you learn."